Adventist Media Center

Share donating to our ministries helps to spread the gospel to those who are searching to those who are lost.
Adventist media center. We share god s love in moving pictures through bible lessons books and magazines by broadcast television social media and individual contact. Copylight 2011seventh day adventist media center. The corporation is in the process of changing its name to adventist media ministries as part of a new and expanded north american division media strategy overseeing the ministries below. Together we can reach people with content that enlightens that invigorates that.
All the main adventist broadcast ministries have engaged in worldwide outreach via numerous. Honest seller lowest price quality products safe payment fast shipping easy return policy. Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son. Breath of life 4801 university square suite 25.
For the customized jerseys info name numbers you would like to stitch on the jersey you can put them on leave word box when you entering your shipping info or email us after you finish your whole order. Our mission is to share the good news with everyone in the south pacific division from every nation tribe people and language. A california non profit corporation organized 1972 the media center facility closed in 2014. All jerseys are brand new with the tag s name and numbers are sewn on.
Help us to fulfill the great commission. Voice of prophecy 255 e. Email 443 391 7143 click on the ministry logo or link to visit its website. Some of the media ministries are directly funded by the church while others are self supporting organizations that rely on donations.
Adventist media ministries support services 11291 pierce street riverside ca 92505 phone. Hope channel ecd east central africa division as a builder of bridges of hope exists for communicating the everlasting gospel in the context of the three. The adventist church has a long history of media based communication having grown out of the millerite movement of the 1840s which heavily used the print media.