49 Cfr Section 172 101 Hazardous Materials Table

Table of popular names prev next 172 101 purpose and use of hazardous materials table.
49 cfr section 172 101 hazardous materials table. Please refer to the hazardous materials table at 49 cfr 172 101 when preparing your hazardous materials shipments. Provides the text of the 49 cfr 172 101 purpose and use of hazardous materials table. A the hazardous materials table table in this section designates the materials listed therein as hazardous materials for the purpose of transportation of those materials. Use the list by menu above to find material you are looking for.
Return to hazmat table menu at top of page. 49 cfr 1 81 1 96 and. Subpart a general 172 1 172 3 subpart b table of hazardous materials and special provisions 172 101 172 102 subpart c shipping papers 172 200 172 205 subpart d. Part 172 hazardous materials table special provisions hazardous materials communications emergency response information training requirements and security plans part 172 hazardous materials table special provisions hazardous materials communications emergency response information training requirements and security plans authority.
172 101 hazardous materials table sym bols hazardous materials descriptions and proper shippingnames hazard class or identifi cation pg label codes special provisions 8 packaging 173 9 quantity limitations 10 vessel stowage y bols p p p shipping names class or division cation numbers pg codes rovisions 172 102 excep tions non bulk bulk passenger aircraft rail cargo aircraft. 172 101 purpose and use of hazardous materials table. I 10 1 03 edition 172 101 172 101 hazardous materials table sym bols hazardous materials descrip tions and proper shipping names hazard class or di vision identifica tion num bers pg label codes special provisions 172 102 8 packaging 173 9 quantity limitations 10 vessel stow age excep tions non bulk bulk. 49 cfr part 172 hazardous materials table special provisions hazardous materials communications emergency response information training requirements and security plans.
Link to an amendment published at 85 fr 45028 july 24 2020. A the hazardous materials table table in this section designates the materials listed therein as hazardous materials for the purpose of transportation of those. Usdot s hazardous materials table from 49 cfr 172 101 sorted by proper shipping name 1 1 diazoamin. Acridine 6 1 un2713 iii poison ib8 ip3 t1 tp33 153 213 fedex ground will handle these materials only when packaged according to a dot.